eNCA's poll will be launched with the help of research company, Ipsos.
eNCA's focus is on what they term the 'battleground cities' of Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria. The data is first checked for validity before it gets added to the cumulative results to provide an aggregate picture of what the voter sentiment in these three cities are like.
Instead of just asking voters which party they voting for, the polls are asking them other political questions as well. One question also asked if the voters will actually be voting, to which 15% said they would not be voting this year.
The results from the latest poll will be revealed tonight (Youth Day) at 6:30pm on News Night.
ANN7 has been advertising the launch of their poll as the 'The poll pundits are back.' The channel is further stating that their polls were the only polls that got it right in 2014, even though they were the only channel running these kind of polls in 2014.
ANN7 is planning to broadcast their weekly poll projections every Friday night during SA Decides at 5pm and ANN7 Prime at 7pm.
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