Friday 13 February 2015

SONA2015: The Parliament Cries 'Bring Back the Signal' As the President Arrives

At about 6:45pm on the evening of the State of the Nation Address, news channels had two major developments to cover at the same time: thevarrival of the President, and all the bell and whistles asspciated with that, and a major 'Bring Back the Signal' chant from within parliament.

Both ANN7 and eNCA covered the developments from inside the chamber, with ANN7 doing what they do best, using split screens to show both events happening at the same time while the audio was solely from inside parliament. This was a very powerful visual when one contrasts the calmness amd pomp and circumstance from outside parliament with the chaos from within, which was very reminiscent of what American cable news channels did last year when they decided to run a split screen of President Obama calling for calm in Fergueson on the one side with the chaos of Fergueson on the other.

eNCA had the visuals from within parliament with an occasional cut in of the President's arrival, though also staying soleley with the audio from insode parliament.  All the while, they had their graph of their focus group on the screen, which was largely in the red throughout.

Interestingly, both SABC News and the Parliamentary Service chose to cover just the President's arrival, flat out ignoring what was happening inside the parliament, meaning their viewers had no idea what was going on inside at that very moment.

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